Sanderson Contemporary

Approx $0.00 USD
Karakter and Sanderson Contemporary have partnered to present an evolving display of works, in our Newmarket showroom. Sanderson Contemporary represent a stable of both emerging and established New Zealand artists from their dedicated gallery space in Osborne Street. Select works from their unique and contemporary collection will be showcased alongside our pieces of design.
Please see the image library for a selection of recently exhibited works;
Jon Tootill, Wa Whero / Turn red, Autumn, 2022 acrylic on canvas, 1400mm x 1200mm x 35mm
Molly Timmins, In the Cold, Cold Night, 2021 Oil and embroidery on canvas, 1040mm x 1420mm
Natasha Wright, Power Woman X, 2018 oil on canvas, 1520mm x 1220mm
If you are interested in any of these pieces, please contact us at or on 09 550 8749
Artist Info:
Jon Tootill is a painter of Ngāi Tahu and British ancestry and was born in Hamilton in 1951. His paintings take reference from nature;
colour, patterns, movement and light are captured in a grid composition that has become a signature style for the artist. Tootill innovates
across western and indigenous knowledge systems and visual cultures. The grid pattern that underscores these works has developed over time.
It echoes tukutuku motif and an artistic lineage that might include Toi Te Rito Maihi and the late John Bevan Ford as well as op and
minimalist art histories from Bridget Riley to Agnes Martin
Molly Timmins (Ngāpuhi, Pākehā) holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts and is currently undertaking her Masters at Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design. Timmins draws inspiration from the natural environment and her personal history. The artist comes from a family of many generations of gardeners and this has provoked Molly’s fascination with the natural wonders of Aotearoa New Zealand and the women who have painted this before her. By using embroidery in conjunction with painting the artist aims to question the hierarchies of artistic disciplines within the art world, embroidery and craft traditionally being viewed as a ‘domestic’ art form.
Natasha Wright is a New Zealand born artist based in New York. Wright completed her MFA in 2018, sighting Canadian American painter Philip Guston (1913-1980) as one of her biggest influences - “We shared the same studio at the original sight of the Whitney Museum and his commitment to painting is a lineage I’m interested in carrying forward.” Wright’s paintings critique the representation of women throughout history, incorporating a wide range of inspiration to create her own personal narrative. References to The Three Graces, ancient fertility goddesses, Matryoshka dolls and contemporary culture from advertisements and the pages of fashion magazines often weave their way into Wright’s paintings.